Normally you would look at Yoga being a very relaxing, non-contact exercise, which in the long run is, but does not go without risks of injuries. Injuries through Yoga do not happen right away, like many other fitness related injuries, Yoga injuries on the other hand happen after a long term period of performing. They commonly happen from improper techniques and over-stretching. Yoga injuries have boomed since the increase in popularity in the last few years.
There are three common parts of the body that are related, with one being much more common than the other two. The back is the most common place for injury, because of the emphasis of keeping good posture, in which many people do not have. The other two spots are the shoulders and the elbows. Frozen shoulder is an injury to look out for if you are over the age of 40 and performing this fitness routine, picking your body up and not being properly stretched could in time give this injury.
The lotus pose (Half-Lotus Pose is where one foot is on top of the thigh, while the other remains tucked loosely under the opposite knee) is the exercise to look out for, and if not properly done can lead to injury. If any Yoga pose is feeling very uncomfortable and hurting, stop it right away.